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2.6.1 Window with Button

We will demonstrate the capabilities of Guile-GI by creating a window with a button. There are two version of the same script, so that we can demonstrate different ways of doing things.

In this first version, we use use-typelibs to load the bindings, and we largely stick to using methods.

(use-modules (gi) (gi types) (gi util))

;; We're going to be creating many GOOPS generic functions
;; once we load up the typelibs.  We want the same-named
;; GOOPS generic functions to merge: we don't want the
;; generic functions from one type to overwrite a previous
;; class's generic functions.
(push-duplicate-handler! 'merge-generics)

;; Here we parse the typelib files to dynamically create our
;; types, classes and procedures.
;; Gio's application:new and Gtk's application:new take the
;; same argument types, so their GOOPS generics are easy to
;; confuse. We rename Gio's application:new for safety.
(use-typelibs (("Gio" "2.0") #:renamer (protect 'application:new))
              ("Gtk" "3.0"))

;; This is a callback we install to print a console message on the
;; receipt of the `clicked' signal.
(define (print-hello widget)
  (display "Hello World\n"))

;; This is the callback we install to handle the `activate'
;; signal that a <GApplication> may receive.
(define (activate-callback app)

  ;; Create a <GtkApplicationWindow> for this
  ;; <GtkApplication>, plus a button.
  (let* ((window (application-window:new app))
         (button-box (button-box:new
                      (symbol->orientation 'vertical)))
         (button (button:new-with-label "Hello World")))

    ;; Connect and decorate the window and button.
    (set-title window "Window")
    (set-default-size window 200 200)
    (add window button-box)
    (add button-box button)

    ;; Register a procedure as a signal handler to the
    ;; <GtkButton>'s `clicked' signal.
    (connect button print-hello)

    ;; Register a lambda as the signal handler of the
    ;; <GtkButton>'s `clicked' signal.
    (connect button clicked (lambda args (destroy window)))

    ;; Make everything visible.
    (show-all window))

  ;; Note that the `activate' signal callback requires no
  ;; return value.

(define (main)
  ;; Call Gtk's application:new to create a new
  ;; <GtkApplication>
  (let ((app (application:new
              ;; Pick a flag from the set of GApplicationFlags
              (list->application-flags '(flags-none)))))
    ;; Register the procedure `activate-callback' as the
    ;; signal handler for the `activate' signal that the
    ;; <GtkApplication> handles.
    (connect app activate activate-callback)

    ;; Call application:run.  If there are no arguments in
    ;; the command line args, this will send the `activate'
    ;; signal.
    (run app (command-line))))

;; Run the script

In the second version, the script is made faster by using require and load-by-name instead of use-typelibs. It also prefers the make syntax to set properties directly, rather than calling methods one-by-one.

(use-modules (gi) (gi repository))

(require "Gio" "2.0")
(require "Gtk" "3.0")

(load-by-name "Gio" "Application") ;; activate, run
(load-by-name "Gtk" "Application")
(load-by-name "Gtk" "ApplicationWindow")
(load-by-name "Gtk" "Button")
(load-by-name "Gtk" "ButtonBox")
(load-by-name "Gtk" "Widget") ;; show-all

(define (print-hello widget)
  (display "Hello World\n"))

(define (activate-callback app)
  (let* ((window (make <GtkApplicationWindow>
                   #:application app
                   #:default-height 200
                   #:default-width 200
                   #:title "Window"))
         (button-box (make <GtkButtonBox> #:parent window))
         (button (make <GtkButton>
                   #:parent button-box
                   #:label "Hello world")))
    (connect button clicked print-hello)
    (connect button clicked (lambda _ (destroy window)))
    (show-all window)))

(define (main)
  (let ((app (make <GtkApplication> #:application-id "org.gtk.example")))
    (connect app activate activate-callback)
    (run app (command-line))))


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